Chairman: Comment Out Of Line- But Why Bring It Up Now?

Officials in Bourne are hoping to resolve an issue with the chairman of the Historical Commission, who used an antisemitic term during a meeting earlier this month.

Carl Georgeson was discussing late-night tree removal on Sandwich Road, when he used the term, "Jewish lightning." The Anti-Defamation League of New England confirms the term is antisemitic and used to stereotype Jews.

The matter was reported to the Bourne Select Board by Jack MacDonald, but the Cape Cod Times reports that while board chair Mary Jane Mastrangelo agreed Georgeson's comments were out of line, she questioned why MacDonald did not bring up the matter right away.

She further implied MacDonald was, quote, "stirring the pot" and noted efforts to put a code of conduct in place in the past came to nothing.

Georgeson has said he will formally apologize at the November 14th meeting.

(Photo by EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty Images)


Photo: EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / Getty Images

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