Retired Bogs Get New Life

The Healey Administration is spending some one-point-seven million dollars in grant awards to buy retired cranberry bogs which will in turn will be used for restoration of wetlands.

EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper made the announcement in Barnstable as part of Massachusetts’ celebration of Climate Week, which highlights climate action being taken throughout the state.

“Over the course of a year, we’ve witnessed extreme weather – from a tropical storm to catastrophic flooding, to record-breaking temperatures. Climate change is here, and we have to act now,” said EEA Secretary Tepper. “It’s critical to invest in these open space acquisition projects that will ultimately make our communities more resilient. Through this program, we’re helping improve habitat and water quality and the recreational opportunities that come with them.”

This is the first year of the awards.

“The Barnstable Clean Water Coalition is very excited to receive this award and would like to thank all of our partners that assisted us in doing so, including EEA’s Conservation Services Division and The Compact of Cape Cod Land Conservation Trusts,” said Barnstable Clean Water Coalition Executive Director Zee Crocker. “These funds will provide the foundation for ‘game-changing’ water restoration projects on Cape Cod. Cranberry bogs helped save Cape Cod economically in the 19th century. As restored wetlands, they will help save Cape waters and the environment, in the 21st century.”

Projects receiving a Cranberry Bog Acquisition for Restoration grant are: Marstons Mills River Ecological Restoration Project which will get about 1 point 6 million dollars...and Flag Swamp Bog Conservation Project which will get almost 180 thousand dollars.

(Photo credit: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

A worker stirs up more than 2,000 lbs of

Photo: TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP / Getty Images

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