Vineyard Wind 1 Updates Lawmakers On Progress

If it all goes according to plan, the first wind power generated by Vineyard Wind One will be flowing sometime in the middle of October.

If it does it would be the nation's first offshore wind project. It could be fully operational by the summer of 2024.

The four-billion-dollar project is about fifteen miles south of Martha's Vineyard.

Initially about 78 megawatts of electricity will be sent to the grid but that will increase dramatically when fully operational to somewhere between 200 and 300 megawatts of power.

Sy Oytan - the chief operating officer of Avangrid briefed state lawmakers and labor leaders yesterday on Beacon Hill. At its peak about 400 thousand homes statewide will be powered by wind.

Officials also believe that there will be about 36 hundred new jobs created.

And over a 20-year period- electric bills could be reduced by one point four billion dollars.

Photo by SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS/AFP via Getty Images)



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