Calf Field Pond Punkhorn Hike

Punkhorn Parklands

Join the Brewster Ponds Coalition and leader Nancy Ortiz for a 3 mile narrated hike through the north area of the Punkhorn at 10 AM on Saturday, May 18th (rain date May 19th). Those interested can join us for an additional short hike afterward to the beautiful Eagle Point overlooking Upper Mill Pond. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring water and a snack. The area is mostly flat, however, there will be some rocky trails and roots. You are encouraged to take photos. There is a maximum of 25 participants for this free event. Details will be sent to registered participants before the walk. Please register at:

The Brewster Ponds Coalition is a 501(C)3 charitable nonprofit, whose mission is “To protect and improve the health of Brewster's ponds through science, education and advocacy”. For more information about the BPC, become a member, or to volunteer, visit You may also call us at 508-258-9801, or mail us at Brewster Ponds Coalition, PO Box 459, Brewster, MA 02631.